Public offer

Internet store “Polygonal Paper,” represented by the following domain names, (“present store”) acting through entrepreneur Pavel Fedorov (“Seller”), proposes to Buyers to enter into a contract under the terms of this public offer agreement on selling Product distantly.

  1. Definitions
    1. Public offer (“offer”) — a public offer of Seller, addressed to the general public, to enter into a purchase/sale agreement remotely (“agreement”).
    2. Product — blueprint for creating models out of paper, and/or blueprints for creating models out of metal, purchased from the this store or through Operator.
    3. Ordering product — completion of an order form by the Buyer for the Product in the store or through the Operator.
  2. General provisions
    1. Ordering Product from this store means that Buyer agrees with all conditions within the present agreement.
    2. The administration of this store has the right to incorporate changes to this Public Offer without informing Buyer.
    3. The term of this Public Offer is not limited.
    4. Seller provides Buyer with full and accurate information about the Product, including information about basic consumer performance qualities, and images with true representation of the Sculptures created with using Products on the website in the section “Shop.” Obvious mistakes or errors in the offer do not bind the entrepreneur.
    5. Together with the purchase of Product on this website, Buyer is provided with the following right to use the results of intellectual activity delivered along with Product (blueprints, images, instructions).
      • Buyer may use Product purchased on this website exclusively for personal, family, home, and other needs, not related to income generating activities.
      •  Blueprints, provided with the purchased Product on this website, can be used for assembling up to three copies of a model based on purchased blueprint. Assembling four and more models based on one purchased blueprint is not permitted.
    6. Income generating activity using blueprints coming with Product purchased from this website include:
      • selling sets for assembling a model;
      • using a completed model based on one purchased blueprint as a mold for sculptures;
      • production and selling of three or more models based on purchase of one blueprint;
      • selling drawings.
      These activities may be undertaken only based on a license contract separately signed by Parties.
    7. Buyer does not have the right to appropriate authorship of Product purchased on this website, including, but not limited, putting their marks and logos on a completed model.
    8. When posting an image on the internet of a model purchased on this website as a part of Product, Buyer must specify the name of the designer that developed the sculpture.
  3. Price of Product
    1. The price of Product is specified on the website in the “Shop” section.
    2. Seller at their sole discretion has the right to change the price of any Product.
    3. Seller cannot change the price of a previously purchased Product by Buyer.
    4. The obligation of paying for Product by Buyer is considered fulfilled once Seller receives the funds.
    5. Payment between Seller and Buyer is conducted through methods specified on the website in the section “Payment and Shipping.” Buyer chooses at their own discretion the payment services Stripe or PayPal, which are responsible for processing and data integrity.
  4. Ordering
    1. Ordering Product is conducted through Operator via the telegram or whats app (+7 (908) 919-63-37, +7 (901) 210–90–32) or through services on the website.
    2. When ordering Product online it is sufficient to specify email address only.
    3. Name, quantity, assortment, and price of the chosen Product are specified in Buyer’s cart.
    4. If Seller needs additional information, they have the right to inquire with Buyer. In the event Buyer does not provide information, Seller is not responsible for Product chosen by Buyer.
    5. When ordering through Operator (see p. 4.1. of the present Public Offer) Buyer promises to provide the information, determined in p. 4.2. of the present Public Offer.
    6. Acceptance of the terms and conditions by Buyer of the present Public Offer is conducted through providing information by Buyer on the order form in the store or while ordering through Operator. After ordering through Operator, Buyer’s data is stored in Seller’s database. To confirm the order of the chosen Product, Buyer provides Seller with the necessary information in accordance with the order specified in p. 4.2. of the present Public Offer.
    7. Seller is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by Buyer during ordering process.
    8. Buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the provided information during the ordering process.
    9. The remote purchase/sale agreement is considered binding from the moment of order in this Store or through Operator.
  5. Delivery and handover of Product
    1. Shipping of Product is processed automatically within 1 day from the time of payment to the email specified by Buyer. If Buyer does not receive the files after the purchase, the administration of the website requests Buyer write an email to to resolve the issue.
  6. Conditions for exchange and returns, complaints.
    1. Download items don't accept returns, exchanges or cancellations. .
  7. Collection and storing of personal data
    1. The collection and storing of personal information are conducted in order to deliver Product and in accordance with the policy of personal data processing published on
  8. Seller's details
    1. Brandname: Polygonal Paper
      Company name: Pavel Fedorov
      Address: U Garazi 1435, Prague, Czech Republic
      Telephone number: +420 721 060 909
      E-mail address:
      IÄŒO: 03488349
    2. Carefully read the text of the Public Offer Agreement and if you in disagreement with any points of it, you have the right to decline buying Product presented by Seller and not to take action as specified in p. 2.1. of the present Public Offer.